About us

James Gould MD FRCPC
RESUS-O-SAURUS Inc., The Resus Course - Developer, educator
An Emergency Physician and Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS. Has an FRCPC in Emergency Medicine from Dalhousie University and a Fellowship in Resuscitation and Reanimation from Queens University. Interest are resuscitation research, design and education.
what we teach
Video laryngoscopy and awake airway
Surgical Airway
Vascular access (central lines and arterial lines)
Transvenous pace maker
Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis
Chest tubes
Resuscitative Thoracotomy
Group simulation cases
Resuscitative ultrasound
Resus work-shops
The Resus Course is born out of a desire to empower emergency physicians to own what we were trained to do - Resuscitate. We are not defined by what we do frequently, but by the education and skills we have to perform in high acuity scenarios. The Resus Course provides a learning opportunity for those infrequent events. Borrowing from evidence based educational programs, The Resus Course uses a flipped class room model, with deliberate practice to enhance resuscitation skills.
Bespoke Resus
Looking for a custom made resuscitation course for your emergency department or group of providers?
Coming soon, we will be offering bespoke resuscitation courses. Tailor the procedures, simulations and workshops to the specific needs of your group.
We will conduct a consultation with your group, explore your needs, and provide you with a quote for a custom made resuscitation course.
Coming in 2024, open registration for our full 2 day resuscitation course. Learn all the resuscitation procedures and skills you will ever need to know. We combine clinical grade cadavers, advanced simulation and workshops to deliver a premier resuscitation education experience.
Space and Stuff
The Resus Course is hosted at two sites within the QEII Simulation Program - the Skills Centre and the Sim Bay. Both spaces and equipment available will provide an environment that mimics a standard resuscitation area. Check out the QEII Simulation Program’s website for more site information and location details.
Contact us.
If you have any questions or comments for us, or if you are interested in our courses, including our bespoke resus course option and want to know more - send us a message.