Mass casualty events with John Armstrong
Master of disaster, Dr. John Armstrong, discusses all things mass casualty. How to prepare your system, your ED, your team, and yourself for managing mass casualty events.
Burn resuscitation with Jack Rasmussen
When should we worry about burns? Which patients get sick? Who needs to be intubated? What is the right amount of fluid? In this podcast, Dr. Jack Rasmussen, plastic surgeon, critical care physician and burn expert, answers all of these questions and more.
Penetrating neck trauma with Sean Hurley
In this podcast, Dr. Sean Hurley and I discuss an approach to management of penetrating neck trauma. How and when to intubate, hard and soft signs of injury, and a practical approach to investigation and management of airway, vascular and digestive tract injury.
Traumatic cardiac arrest with Nick Sowers
Not all cardiac arrests are alike. In this podcast Dr. Nick Sowers and I explore the unique nature of traumatic cardiac arrest. How to prepare, what interventions you need to do, when to perform a resuscitative thoracotomy and more. And if your looking for more content from Nick on traumatic arrest, check out his trauma NS webinar here.
Relationships in resuscitation with Eve Purdy
Shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect. In this podcast, Dr. Eve Purdy and I, discuss relational coordination. How do our relationships impact our teamwork in resuscitation, and how can we optimize relational dynamics to get the best performance from our resus teams.
Ventilator management in the ED with Laurel Murphy
After the endotracheal tube is in, and the high-fives are done, what do you do with the ventilator? Dr. Laurel Murphy and I discuss initial vent settings, special considerations for the patient with obstructive lung disease or severe metabolic acidosis, and what to do when the vent alarms.
Trauma team activations with Rob Green and Sean Hurley
Trauma care goes behind the resuscitation at the bedside. Patient outcomes rely on the function of the entire trauma system. In this podcast, Drs. Rob Green and Sean Hurley, talk about what constitutes a trauma team activation, who should get extra consideration, when to involve the trauma system in patient care, and what happens after the patient leaves the ED.
Video laryngoscopy with George Kovacs
In this podcast, Dr. George Kovacs and I discuss all things video laryngoscopy: types of devices, variation in technique, use of a bougie and more.
Neonatal Resuscitation with Hana Wiemer
In this podcast, Dr. Hana Wiemer breaks down neonatal resuscitation in the ED.
Digoxin toxicity with Caitlin Wolfe
Toxicologist Dr. Caitlin Wolfe is back to talk about how to manage digoxin toxicity. When to use the antidote and how to dose it, how to manage dysrhythmias and that pesky hyperkalemia.
Chest tubes, needles and finger thoracostomy in Trauma with Danny French
In this podcast, Dr. Daniel French and I discuss the management of chest trauma - when is the right time to decompress, finger vs needle, and tons of post chest tube management pearls.
Beta blocker & calcium channel blocker toxicity with Lorri Beatty
Dr. Lorri Beatty is back to drop some knowledge on BB and CCB overdose.
Baby is Coming Part 2: ED delivery complications with Hana Wiemer
In this part 2 podcast, Dr. Hana Wiemer and I discuss the various complications of a delivery in the ED, PPH, shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse and breech delivery
Toxic Alcohols with Nancy Murphy
Dr. Nancy Murphy and I discuss the pearls of toxic alcohol management. Who to block, and when to dialyze.
ASA tox with Lorri Beatty
Why do these patients need urine alkalinization, who needs dialysis, and how do we not to kill them with intubation, Dr. Lorri Beatty and I discuss the management of ASA toxicity.
Baby is Coming Part 1: ED delivery with Hana Wiemer
In this first of a two part podcast, Dr. Hana Wiemer and I discuss the approach to the dreaded ED delivery.
Opioid Toxicity with Caitlin Wolfe
Amidst an opioid epidemic, toxicologist Dr. Caitlin Wolfe reviews her approach to opioid toxicity. We discuss naloxone strategies, observation periods and more.
Massive Upper GI Bleeding with John Armstrong
Former scoper of bowels, turned emergency physician, Dr. Armstrong discusses how to best manage the exsanguinating upper GI bleed. We cover blood products, hemodynamic end points, intubation and much more.
Antidepressant toxicity with Nancy Murphy
The pearls of managing TCA, Bupropion and Venlafaxine toxicity
Front of Neck Airway (FONA) with Nick Sowers
A thoughtful discussion your patients need you to hear, about a procedure you will hopefully never do!